Sunday, November 10, 2013

Travel Adventure

What an adventure!  Nothing is ever dull when you are serving the Lord!  There was a huge storm predicted to come through Kalskag the day I was going to leave for the weekend to visit my kids in Anchorage. It would have grounded all planes. Many of us prayed and the Lord, Master of the wind and sea, blew the storm north to the Bering Sea and the Friday I flew out the weather was calm!  Praise the Lord!  The first leg of my journey on the little 6 seater plane was turbulent but made it into Aniak, a larger village where I can catch a larger plane (19 seater) to Anchorage. 

When I arrived in Aniak, the plane to Anchorage was delayed...twice.  Then at 2:00 the airlines announced (the lady at the counter talking loudly) that the plane to Anchorage was cancelled.  All planes were grounded.  No one was going anywhere!  I had never been in Aniak.  Was there even a hotel or place to stay?  I must have looked lost because a white haired lady asked if I knew of a place to stay in Aniak. She would become my new friend. Just by the brief encounter with her I knew she was a Christian. I asked around to a couple other stranded travelers and my new friend called a couple phone numbers.  The first place was full.  The second place had a couple of rooms. 

After getting my suitcase back from the airlines, a young man came and picked us up in a little pick up truck.  The three of us packed into the front seat of the truck and drove around the airport to a hostel.  The Aniak General Store was just around the corner so we were able to get some lunch and breakfast for the morning.  The hostel provided dinner and the people were very hospitable to us stranded travelers.

Upon talking more to my new friend, Ronna, I found she was an ordained minister and was one of Mark Ausdahl's Bible College Teachers at Far North Bible College back in the 90's.  We had a great time of fellowship and prayer.  I called Mark in Kalskag and the two were able to reconnect over the phone after all these years.  Ronna came to another village, Anvik, for an art conference that was suppose to last 4 days, but the Lord delayed her 3 weeks.  I told her it was because the Lord wanted me to meet her!  It was definitely a divine appointment (like Saul's lost donkeys in 1 Samuel 9).  We spent the afternoon doing pop-up books and other paper crafts.

Little did I know that God had other divine appointments for me during my 24 hour stay in Aniak.  I met the owners of the Aniak General Store, Jimmy and Jody.  I have wanted to meet them for the last year but never had the chance.  The hostel was in their home and Jody made the most amazing Shrimp Scampi ever!  I was able to talk to them about what the Lord was doing in Kalskag.  I now have two great friends in Aniak!  If I'm ever stuck again I can call on them.  God is so good.

But that's not all!  When I arrived back at the Aniak Era terminal (small building with a counter and a few seats) at the appointed time I met Trooper Kim and Trooper James, who service many smaller villages, including Kalskag.  I wanted to meet Trooper Kim and knew this was my chance.  I approached her and introduced myself.  She had heard positive things about me, too.  We must have talked over an hour waiting for my plane from Anchorage to come to Aniak and fly us all back to Anchorage.  What a treat! When she comes back into Kalskag she is going to come over and we'll invite a couple other lady friends.  She says, "we'll have a ladies night out!"  In the meantime, Trooper James flew to Kalskag for a day trip but arrived back in Aniak a half hour later.  They flew out but one mile out of Kalskag the pilot turned around because the wind was too strong to land!  I would have not been able to make it out of Kalskag on Saturday.  Friday morning was my only open window to fly into Aniak. Thus meeting Ronna, Jimmy & Jody, Trooper Kim and Trooper James!  Only God could have organized everyone's schedule...just all divine appointments.  And all in 24 hours!

Finally left Aniak and made it to Anchorage where I was warmly greeted by all my kids.  Sweet family reunion.  I feel so loved!