Friday, December 7, 2012

Kalskag Debutant

Hiding away in Kalskag sounded like it was a sure-proof plan.  I guess the Chief had other ideas and hiding was not one of them.  I walk into the lunch room every Friday and hear,  “Shelly!  Shelly’s here!  Sit by me, Shelly. No, sit by me!” The children’s riotous sound of screaming echos in the gym.  The lunch duties roll their eyes and try to maintain order as the children are jumping up from their seats to hug me.

One Tuesday afternoon while the children were lined up to go home, a third grader hollers to me down the hall, “Shelly, you’re famous.”  I ignore her pretending like she doesn’t exist. I did not want THAT statement to get any attention!  I’m here to hide.

The next afternoon as the children were lined up to go home, the girl says it again, this time chimed in with other children, “Yea, Shelly, you’re famous.  Everyone likes you!”  I turned to her and the others and said, “Its nice to be liked.”  By Friday word apparently had spread because I walked into the lunch room to eat and got mobbed by 40+ kids screaming, “Shelly’s here!  She’s our Pop Star!” 
I think I’ll be eating in my room by myself on Friday’s.

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