Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Enemy Hit Hard but I Came up Fighting!

They say that if you are doing the Chief’s (Lord’s) Work, the enemy will try to take you out.  I must be doing something the enemy doesn’t like.  I was struck with perorbital cellulites and had to take an emergency flight to the Bethel hospital where I was treated 6 days with IV antibiotics. I was released from solitary confinement of room 154 just before Christmas and made it to Anchorage to be with my kids! I made the best of my imprisonment as I had one visitor in which to discuss the Chief’s bigger plans. My nurses and tech’s would come into my hospital room just to take a respite from everything going on in other rooms on my ward.  It must be a room of peace!  One nurse, “Mr. Mark”, invited me to celebrate Christmas with him, since he had to work on Dec. 25.  I graciously declined and told him I needed to leave to spend Christmas with my family.  My night nurse was a tall, intimidating, older man who flipped on all the lights to change my IV’s and put eye drops in.  The first time he ripped off the surgical tape that took some skin, I exclaimed, “Whoa! Nice wax job!  I think you missed your calling, JC. Do you have any more tape?…I didn’t have time to shave my legs before I came here!”  We had a good nurse-patient relationship after that.  I even saw him crack a smile the next night and had him chuckling by the end of the week.  The chief had me write a different kind of thank you note that the nursing staff will be laughing about for a while!

Dear JC,

          Our relationship needs to end.  I am leaving.  You hurt me. LOL  Thank you for helping me “see clearly”.  And tell “Mr. Mark” that I cannot accept his offer to spend Christmas with him.  Although it was a nice gesture.
But a lady has to do what a lady has to do!

                                                                             Room 154, Shelly


A few days after I got out of the hospital my 4 wheeler was stolen in Kalskag and hasn’t been recovered.  I am going back to Kalskag with no transportation and a few miles from work in sub-zero temps.  Hmmm, I wonder how the Chief will provide for me when I get back? 

There is nothing in my life that is circumstantial or happenstance.  The Chief has every aspect of my life in His control.  Big things like potentially fatal illnesses and stolen 4 wheelers to little things like making a nurse smile on a hard day.  What would happen if you believed the same thing?  Would there be any room for disappointment?

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