Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Miracle Worker

Spring 2013

A magician appeared in Kalskag.  After two assemblies in the schools he performed an evening act for the Village.  After he mesmerized the audience he gave a strong, loving salvation message and 32 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  After the performance the magaician gave me the commitment cards to follow up.  My “Coffee with Jesus” Bible Study friends began praying for all those adults & teens that made that commitment.

Soon after the magician took flight, the Kalskag children kept coming to my door wanting to know more about Jesus and His Word.  After days of a revolving door I suggested that the children come on Thursday evenings after school and we will have a “Kids Club.”  We put up advertising signs around town and announced it on the radio.  The first night we had 18 children at Kids Club.  Pizza, games, memory verse, and door prizes comprised the agenda.  I gave a basic gospel message and asked the children who wanted to believe and trust Jesus as their Lord.  Nine children raised their hands and made a commitment. Week two: same agenda and five more children came to Jesus.

One evening I heard a knock on my door.  There were six teenage girls on my front porch.  They asked if they could come to Kids Club even though they were older than the 13 year old cut off age.  I told them, “of course!” They can help with Kid’s Club or we can have a club for them on another night of the week.  These teenagers began coming and helping on Thursday’s.  After five weeks of Kids Club, 23 children came to trust and believe Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior!

I was warned to be prepared for persecution by the Russian Orthodox parents of these children.  Several of the people in my Protestant church have been shunned and publically humiliated over the years because they spoke about Jesus to the children.  I told my friends that the parents said nothing negative to me. As a matter of fact, I had two RO parents come to Kids Club and help me with the children.  My church friends warned me about one particular elder in the Village that will give me a hard time.  I turned to my friends and gently told them that she hasn’t said anything to me, in fact, she was the one that adopted me into the Village by giving me my Yup’ik name! (Sayak – meaning “Giver of Life to the Village”)  My friends were flabbergasted. They have never seen the unusual favor of the Lord upon any “guzik” (white stranger) that has come into the Village before me.  I am humbled and give all the glory to Jesus, the true Miracle Worker.

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