Friday, September 13, 2013

What do people do in Kalskag for recreation?

Depending on the season there are many different activities both inside and outside. 

During the long daylight hours of summer/fall, the Eskimos pick berries, hunt and fish, swim in the river and camp in the wilderness or at their fish camps.  They harvest beavers, bears, moose, salmon, birds and other animals to provide food during the winter and skins to keep warm by making mukluks (boots) or molokai’s (hats) or gloves.  Coats are made out of seal skin, beaver fur or other animals such as rabbit, lynx, fox, or martins.  A foot race known as "Rip the Ridge" is an annual event in September and participants run about 5 miles up a mountain, across the ridge and down to the finish line.  Many people participate by running or volunteering at check points.

During the winter/spring the Eskimos ice fish, go on snow machine rides out of the village, make fires and have cook outs roasting moose meat, hot dogs & marshmallows over the open flame.  They will pull the children up hills on sleds and slide down the mountain. There is fiddle dancing and native dancing in the village.  People gather together for potlucks, community picnics or feeds.  There are cross country skiing trails which is a favorite way for people to get exercise during our very short daylight in the winter. The Kuskokwim 300 Dog Sled Race comes through Kalskag in mid-January.  This fun event brings out people to volunteer or just to cheer on the mushers.  Sports games are very popular and games or tournaments take place every weekend November through April.

Unfortunately alcohol is a problem in the village.  People will buy a bottle of liquor for $100 instead of provide their children with necessary adequate clothing or even food.  The drunks can be violent and because there is no police in the village, people fend for themselves and take the law in their own hands.  Children need adequate clothing, shoes, boots, warm coats and a safe place to go when feeling threatened or in danger.  Bingo is another set back with families.  Parents abandoned their children to play bingo.  They lose a lot of money then they drink and the cycle continues. 

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