Thursday, August 28, 2014


“Thank you” seems hardly appropriate when I have overwhelming feelings of gratitude for all of you who participated in the ministry in Kalskag, Alaska the last couple years.  From collecting coats and boots, sending out socks and mittens, helping with the Elder dinner, Christmas gifts, Teacher Appreciation Dinner, Ladies gifts for Mother’s Day, and just supporting my needs by sending boxes of supplies, gifts, monetary gifts and prayers, I am truly grateful.

We have made significant strides in loving the people in Kalskag. The Lord is opening doors in many different ways to speak His life and hope into the First People of Alaska (Yup’ik Eskimos).  One Kalskag family, in particular, had been riddled by poverty, abuse and violence and through prayer and ministry we have seen 10 of the family members saved, delivered and by the grace of God, given a new home on Hillside Housing!  Both the Catholics and Russian Orthodox members have invited both Pastor Mark & I (Protestant) to pray over some of their functions and meetings.  This is a miracle!  God is uniting Kalskag and Lower Kalskag like never before!  This would not have happened without your support and gifts.

Last Christmas we had over 250 people participate in “Christmas in Kalskag” gift drive where we gave a gift to every child in the village ages 0-18.  This was so successful it caught media attention.  An article was published in the Frontiersman Newspaper in Wasilla and a news cast was aired on KTUU Channel 2 news on Dec. 24-26, 2013. Later another article was published in The Message Magazine about the ministry in Kalskag.  Calvary Mission would like to give a gift to the children in Kalskag again this year. I provide a child’s first name, age and gender.

The YouTube video link for last year is:

This fall I would like to start an afterschool Kids Club for at-risk children once a week and could use left-over supplies from your summer VBS or camps. Crafts or prizes would be much appreciated.  Any stable shelf snacks that we can serve to the children would also be good to send since we don’t have much out here and if we do it costs (at least) triple what we can get it for in Anchorage.
I will start Coffee with Jesus Bible Study again this year.  People are growing in their relationship with Jesus during these times.  I could use dry soup mixes (Bear Creek or similar kind) for dinner during these Studies.

Any care packages you would like to send to me personally or for ministry can be sent to: Shelly Blocker, PO Box 68 Kalskag, AK 99607. If you would like to support me financially you can send a check to Calvary Mission, PO Box 99, Kalskag, AK  99607 Attention:  Shelly Blocker. (This will provide a tax deductible receipt).  If you would like to participate in any of these projects contact me through Facebook Message or email:
Quyanna!  Thank you (in Yup’ik)
Rev. Shelly Blocker

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