Friday, August 22, 2014

Jubilee Celebration

Calvary Mission in Kalskag, Alaska began in 1959 when Martin & Audrey Ausdahl felt the call of God to move their family from Minnesota (in 1958) to Alaska and landed in Bethel in the fall of 1959, followed by the move to Kalskag, 100 river miles up the Kuskokwim River.  In early 1960 they moved their children to Kalskag and established their permanent home. The church has been active in ministry for 55 years.  Audrey went to be with the Lord on Christmas day in 1992 and Martin joined her in April 2000.  Their son, Mark Ausdahl, has been the pastor of Calvary Mission since his father passed away.
Ausdahl family in 1964
August 15-17, 2014 we celebrated over 50 years in ministry!  Flyers and invitations were distributed and mailed and people began to come on Thursday, August 14.
Friday night we hosted a Community Bon Fire and Praise Gathering on the Kuskokwim River.  We served hot dogs, juice and other refreshments. Matt Stinson and Kevin Whitley led worship and praise songs.  Several people shared stories and testimonies of what the Lord has done for them.  We gave out 2015 Community Calendars with the theme, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”
Song Service by the River

Cousin Fred at the River Service

Pastor Mark at the River Service

Saturday tragedy struck the village with two sudden deaths.  Many of the Ausdahl siblings ministered to the grieving families, since they grew up with the families in the Village. I was at the clinic, too, just to give hugs and love on the people. I prayed with small groups of people. In the midst of this tragic event the people of Kalskag warmly welcomed me back and were glad I came “home.” I had just returned to the village after my summer break.

The youth hiked around Kalskag, then later in the evening we had a song service at the church.  Many people from the community came and participated. Mark, Dan and Dora blessed us with songs.  Phillip and Avivah gave their testimonies.  I gave the testimony of how my children were healed of cysts and tumors.  God is faithful!

Pastor Mark, Dan and Dora

Phillip giving his testimony

Avivah giving her testimony

Sunday’s service at Calvary Mission was packed!  Cousin Fred Carlson and Pastor Mark led the testimony and song service.  Old time favorite songs were requested, as well as, a couple modern worship songs. A lunch was provided by the church and others and we enjoyed a community meal together.  We distributed Calvary Mission T-shirts throughout the weekend.
Joey, Cousin Fred and Fred

What a special time of celebration!  We praise God for His love and many blessings for over 50 years!  Calvary Mission is so thankful for our community for the love and support shown to our ministry for the past 50 years. 
T shirt Front

T shirt back
Contact us if you would like a Calvary Mission T-shirt.  Thank you for your support!

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