Saturday, August 18, 2012


“Good Evening, Shelly.  This is Sophia again.  I found you a duplex with running water.  It’s very nice for Kalskag!  It’s one bedroom that is all furnished.  It has a couch, recliner, bed, full refrigerator and a large living room.  If you wanted to have a room mate you could, but the price alone is affordable and includes all utilities.  There will be teachers in the houses close to you.”

“Thank you, Thank you so much, Sophia!”

Wow, Chief, you gave me more than I asked for in housing.  And no roommate!  I can talk to you any time of the day or night and not have to be cautious of anyone listening to my covert mission conversations with You!  And the large living room!  I can have people over and teach them your Master Plan and train some of your troops!  Thank you, Chief!

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