Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Assignment

As I was lounging in my Explorer on this warm August day watching my grandchildren play in the castle park, my daydreaming was disturbed by the numa numa ringtone.

“Good Afternoon, Shelly.  This is Sophia.  I would like to offer you the teaching job in Kalskag. Will you join our team?”

After a few more details about the job and move were exchanged I clicked the end button on my phone. The realization of the Chief’s mission hit me. Butterflies were welling up in my belly and I didn’t know if I should jump for joy or throw up!

I guess you were right, Chief, you gave me my assignment.  Now where will I live?  You said there would be shelter. Please let it be reasonably within budget and with running water.  I’m not asking much…Oh, and will you give me a female room mate that I can live with and doesn’t smoke.

I’ll sic my pastor on this request to the Chief!

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